Top Political Events of The 80s: What Happened & How Did Happen

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By Ikram Ullah

The 80s, though they were decades characterized by a lot of change, also had some of their most significant political events in history. From the fall of the Berlin Wall to the end of the Cold War, the decade saw many pivotal events that have left a lasting impact on the world. From the rise of the Soviet Union to the fall of the Berlin Wall, the 1980s have been marked by significant political developments. However, this is not the only decade that experienced some major political events. You may ask, “What are some of the other major political events of the 80s?” If you are wondering what the biggest political events of the 80s were, we’ve got some answers.

The Rise of the Solidarity Movement in Poland

and the Fall of the Berlin Wall

The 80s saw a major change in Europe with the fall of the Berlin wall. The Berlin Wall, which had divided East and West Berlin since 1961, would come down in 1989 and then rise again in 1990 (though it is now non-existent). Along with this, Poland also became an independent country. Some other significant political events during this time were Ronald Reagan’s presidency, Mikhail Gorbachev’s leadership as General Secretary, and Margaret Thatcher’s leadership as Prime Minister.

What happened: The Fall of the Berlin Wall and then the rise of Solidarity Movement in Poland

How did it happen: The Soviet Union faced economic troubles while Solidarity movement rose around them

What you should know: The fall of the Berlin Wall was a pivotal event that led to changes in Eastern Europe

The Falklands War and Thatcher’s General Election Win

The Falklands War was the most significant political event of the 1980s. This war, in which Britain and Argentina fought over a group of islands known as the Falklands, began on April 2, 1982. Margaret Thatcher won a landslide victory for the Conservatives in that year’s general election. The Falklands War is one of the most significant events in British history because it marked the end of an era where Britain had been consistently losing its empire.

 The Berlin Wall Falls

The Berlin Wall fell in 1989. It was a dividing line between East and West Germany, but also signaled the end of the Cold War. The Berlin Wall fell due to an economic blockade by the U.S., which made it harder for East Germans to find work and afford food.

The Soviet Union Collapses

The Soviet Union was a communist state that covered Eastern Europe and surrounding areas. The Soviet Union collapsed in 1991 during what is known as the “Gorbachovian Revolution” after Mikhail Gorbachev became the leader of the Soviet Union. This was a significant event because it made communism not just an idea, but something that could be implemented into real life.

The Cold War Ends

The end of the Cold War was one of the most significant political events of the 80s. When Soviet troops withdrew from Berlin in 1989, they had effectively ended the Cold War. The fall of the Berlin Wall was another significant political event that took place during the 80s.


What is the 80s all about?

The 80s were a decade of great political moments that led to some of the most important changes in recent history. The 80s were a time of social and political upheaval, and it’s hard to imagine history would be the same without these pivotal events. So what was the 80s like? What were the top political events of the 80s?

The 1980s were a decade of great political moments that led to some of the most important changes in recent history. The 1980s were a time of social and political upheaval, and it’s hard to imagine history would be the same without these pivotal events. So what was the 80s like? What were the top political events of the 1980s?

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