6 Childhood Diseases and How to Prevent Them

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By Ikram Ullah

You know that little children always get sick if you are a parent. There are a lot of common communicable illnesses contracted by young children. It is essential to learn the proper precautions to prevent the contraction of these diseases and to learn to recognise their symptoms as soon as possible to prevent the spread of diseases.

During all the day, due to school, homework, and extracurricular activities, children are constantly exposed to new germs. According to the best child specialist in Karachi, it takes time for the children’s immune system to mature and fight off these dangerous germs. Therefore, it is common for younger children to come with coughs, sniffles, and minor illnesses.

Fortunately, there are a number of ways to prevent the most common childhood diseases. To keep your children happy and healthy, you need to know the common childhood illnesses and how to prevent them.

Common childhood diseases

There are several diseases that can affect a younger child more.

  1. Pink eye

Conjunctivitis (pink eye) is the inflammation of a child’s eye and inner eyelid. There can be several possible reasons for pink eyes, but the most common reasons are bacteria and viruses that can be transferred from children’s hands to their eyes. Other types of pink eyes are caused by allergens such as ragweed, pollen, or dust in the air.

Symptoms of pink eye may include;

  • Discharge from the eyes
  • Blurred vision
  • Irritation or itchiness of the eyes
  • Sticky or swollen eyelid
  • Excessive tear production
  • Reddish or pink discolouration of the white parts of the eyes
  • Feelings of something in the eyes

Usually, pink eye can be uncomfortable, but it does not cause long-term complications. If symptoms persist or get worse, then talk to the doctor for more options.

  1. Cold and flu

No wonder it is known as the common cold because the average elementary and preschool children suffer between six to ten colds per year. Cold symptoms can include sneezing, stuffy or runny nose, sore throat, body aches, fever, fatigue, and sneezing. These symptoms can last for a few days to two weeks.

Children get cold viruses via droplets from the air when a sick person sneezes or coughs. Kids can also experience colds through direct contact with infectious friends by touching their toys or classroom desks.

  1. Strep throat

Strep throat, also known as streptococcal pharyngitis, is a bacterial infection that causes swollen or sore throat. Children need to visit a doctor because, in most cases, strep throat require medication to get better. Strep bacteria travel through the air when infected persons sneeze or cough. These bacteria can also be transferred through the surface of shared objects.

Strep throat symptoms can include;

  • Fever
  • Trouble swallowing
  • Sore or itchy throat
  • Red or inflamed tonsils

It is important for children to use all the prescribed antibiotics even they are feeling better. This is because some bacteria remain in the throat when symptoms disappear. The bacteria can multiply and make your child sick again.

  1. Chickenpox

You may remember chickenpox as the most common childhood disease that everybody gets if you are a parent. Usually, chickenpox has limited side effects, but it can lead to severe conditions or even death in young children with weak immune systems.

This is an airborne disease that means it spreads easily when an infected person coughs or sneezes. Its symptoms are;

  • Lack or loss of appetite
  • Fatigue or unexplained tiredness
  • A rash on the legs, arms, face, torso that may appear as red blisters or bumps (the most common)
  1. Foot, hand, mouth diseases

Foot, hand, mouth disease is a viral disease that usually affects babies and children below five. This disease’s symptoms may include;

  • Skin rashes
  • Mouth sores
  • Fever

Viruses that cause foot, hand, and mouth disease are passed through faecal matter, saliva, and nasal mucus of infected people. A child can easily catch it by touching something touched by a person who is experiencing the same disease.

  1. Slapped cheek

Usually, this viral disease affects school-age children, especially in winter and spring. Its symptoms begin with mild fever, runny or stuffy nose, and headache. However, the primary symptom of this disease is a red rash on the cheeks that looks like slapped cheeks. Slapped cheek can spread through sputum, nasal mucus, and saliva.

These viral, bacterial, and contagious diseases can easily be prevented by taking some precautions. These precautions are;

  1. Handwashing

One of the most effective and important illness prevention precautions is to wash the children’s hands. Children have a lot of contact with populated and infected things; that’s why they need to wash their hands to wash away these germs.

  • Consider breastfeeding

If you can breastfeed, then do not go for the second option because your child gets natural antibodies through breast milk. These antibodies will help your child to fight against colds, diarrhoea, colds, tummy bugs, and ear infections.

  • Get child immunisations

Usually, children do not have a strong immune system to fight against contagious diseases. Therefore, try to give childhood immunisations to your child for his better health.

  • Cover coughs and sneezes

You and your children can prevent illnesses by covering sneezes and coughs with your elbow or tissues. Always wash your hands after coughing or sneezing.

  • Eat healthily and exercise daily

A healthy diet and proper exercise program can boost your child’s immune system, which can be helpful in preventing several diseases.

Conclusion It is easy to prevent the most common childhood diseases by taking necessary precautions. So if your child gets infections, don’t panic. Just take the above-mentioned steps to defeat the infections.

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