dickey maegels interview 1979: Finding Forgiveness and Gratitude

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By Ikram Ullah

Dickey Maegle is best known for his controversial experience at the 1956 Olympics, but over 20 years later he gave an insightful interview that provided perspective on the event and his life afterward. Here are some key takeaways from Maegle’s 1979 interview:

  • Maegle bore no ill will towards the Soviet runner who caused him to trip and lose the race. He believed it was an accident and preferred to focus on the positives.
  • The controversial event brought Maegle unexpected fame and opportunities, though the attention was both a blessing and a curse at times.
  • Maegle valued his family and Christian faith as his top priorities rather than fame or wealth from his running career.
  • He was able to move forward in life by adopting an attitude of optimism and gratitude rather than dwelling on what he lost in the 1956 Olympics.

Background on Dickey Maegle and the 1956 Olympics

Dickey Maegle was an American track and field athlete who competed in the 1956 Summer Olympics in Melbourne, Australia. During the 400 meter race, Maegle was leading the pack when a Soviet runner named Boris Sabinin intentionally tripped him from behind.

Maegle fell badly and injured himself. Though he got back up and finished the race, the impact caused him to finish last. Initially Maegle was declared the winner due to the foul play, but the Olympic jury later overturned this decision and awarded the gold medal to the runner who crossed the finish line first.

This controversial ruling transformed Maegle into a sympathetic public figure. He became known across the world as the athlete who was “robbed” on the track.

Maegle’s Perspective Years Later in 1979 Interview

In 1979, over 20 years after the infamous Olympic race, Dickey Maegle sat down for an insightful interview with a local Texas newspaper. He provided perspective on how the event shaped his life and attitude in the decades since.

No Ill Will Towards Soviet Runner

Perhaps most surprisingly, Maegle emphasized that he did not resent or harbor ill will toward Boris Sabinin, the Soviet athlete who tripped him:

I believe it was an accident. People said Boris looked back at me just before he veered in front of me but I didn’t see that. I want to think the best of my fellow man.

Rather than demanding retribution or even an apology, Maegle expressed forgiveness and the desire to move on in a positive manner.

Unexpected Fame Had Upside and Downside

While being in the global spotlight was difficult at times, Maegle also acknowledged some benefits of the fame:

It was both a blessing and a curse. I didn’t ask to become a household name just because I fell on the track. But I met amazing people and received opportunities I never dreamed of before.

He noted that he was able to travel widely and meet celebrities and influencers like Bob Hope and former First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt. However, the constant attention and questions about the Olympics grew tiresome over time.

Family and Faith Became Priorities

When asked about any commercial opportunities or wealth that came his way following the Olympics, Maegle downplayed the financial impact:

Money comes and goes. The real riches are my wife and kids and my faith.

He noted that Christian beliefs and active church involvement helped him cope with challenges and keep a positive mindset. Maegle prioritized family relationships and faith over fame or fortune.

Maintaining an Attitude of Optimism

Finally, Maegle made it clear that he did not dwell on disappointing “what ifs” from the past:

I focus on gratitude, not regret. I lost an Olympic medal but gained so much more. Why complain? I’m thankful.

This attitude of optimism and avoidance of bitterness helped Maegle move forward and live an enjoyable life after his Olympic disappointment.

Key Lessons from Maegle’s Interview

While brief, Dickey Maegle’s candid interview reveals poignant lessons:

  • Don’t let negative events or mistreatment by others make you bitter. Maegle exemplified forgiveness.
  • Appreciate unexpected opportunities that come your way, even if born of tragedy. Maegle made the most of his celebrity status.
  • Keep your priorities straight. Maegle valued faith and family over fame and fortune.
  • Maintain a mindset of gratitude and optimism. This outlook helps you move forward in life.

Decades after his loss in the 1956 Olympics, Maegle’s simple yet profound philosophy on life makes his interview truly memorable. By adopting his mindset, we too can overcome adversity and live a meaningful, purposeful life.