I’m sorry for making you lose your temper. But to be honest, you look seething when your temper boils over.
My love for you shakes the earth, it is strong enough to shatter the earth itself, like my heart, shattered when you left me. I know it was my fault, and I’m sorry for everything I did, so please come back to me. Love you.
I feel so terrible for the pain I’ve caused you to feel. Please forgive me and allow me the opportunity to help heal your broken heart.
I’ve been a complete idiot for a long time. I am fully aware of what I have done and I regret everything.
I want you to return to my loving arms and act like none of this ever happened. I love you and I’m sorry.
I have realized the stupidity and insensitivity of my actions and I want to have the opportunity to show you that I have really changed.
Forgive me please? I am tormented day and night by thoughts of the pain my words and actions have caused you.
The thought of you crying makes me feel so horrible. Please forgive me!
I never, ever want to make you feel hurt like this again. I’m so, so sorry for the way I treated you. Will you forgive me please? They say you don’t appreciate what you have until you lose it.
And now I can say that it’s true, your absence is driving me crazy and I can’t take it anymore. Please forgive me for everything I’ve done and come back to me. Love you.
I am terribly sorry for being so thoughtless with my choice of words. What I said did not really express my intention, and I am very sorry that my insensitivity hurt you. Will you forgive me please?
You are an amazing and strong woman. Thank you for confronting me, showing me how wrong I was and forcing me to take a good, hard look at myself in the mirror.
I didn’t like what I saw, so I made some changes. Please forgive me and give me a chance to show you how I have changed.
I finally saw the light and realized how wrong I was to treat you the way I did. I’m so sorry for all the pain I caused you. Will you forgive me please?
I don’t deserve your forgiveness, but I ask because I miss you so much I can’t stand it. I love you and I’m so sorry I hurt you! Will you forgive me please?
There is nothing I want more than to see you happy again. I’m so sorry I made you feel hurt. Will you forgive me please? We all make mistakes, some are big, some are small. But I don’t think we should let our mistakes define us.
So please remember all the good things we’ve been through and imagine what we’ll go through in the future.
And when you do that, reconsider your decision and forgive me for everything I’ve done. Love you. I know I’m a terrible person, I know I’m a fool, but at least I’m your fool.
I’m sorry, forgive me for what I’ve done. Love you. I just want you to know that I feel empty without you. I can’t stand waking up without you by my side.
I know what I did was stupid, and I’m totally capable of setting things straight for us, but I just want you to forgive me and give me another chance. Love you.
Sincere Images of I’m Sorry Messages Forgiveness For Her Please forgive me for the insensitivity I showed you and allow me the opportunity to show that I have changed.
I’ve really screwed up our relationship, honey, and just saying “I’m sorry” doesn’t begin to cover it up. Please forgive me.
I have been extremely insensitive, both with my words and my actions. Please forgive me, darling! You are such an incredibly unique and precious lady. I’m so sorry I took you for granted.
Will you forgive me please? The way I’ve acted lately hasn’t been a true expression of how I feel about you. My actions have not been loving. Very sorry!
I’m waiting for you to forgive me, I know I’ve done wrong and I want to make it up to you. Very sorry. Please forgive me.
I will wait for you until eternity if that is what it takes to earn your forgiveness. Sorry dear. I understand my mistake
Our relationship was supposed to be immune to earthly diseases called fighting, arguing, and lying. Now I have to take the countermeasure called sorry to save this beautiful relationship. I’m so sorry darling.
Your bitterness is something I cannot bear. Please forgive me for my mistakes and let us continue our sweet relationship again.
You are my strength, but you are angry with me. I feel very weak and exposed. Please accept my sincerest apologies and let’s get back together. We are not meant to be apart.
You are the best thing that ever happened to me and I was really stupid not realizing that until now. I know I’ve made a lot of mistakes, but give me another chance, baby. I will never let you leave me again. I really am very sorry.
They say that everything happens for the better. This little fight of ours made me realize what you’re worth to me. I don’t want to fight you anymore. I love you so much and I’m so sorry

How To Apologize To Your Sister Over Text
I know I’m the one who always starts an argument. I know I have made many mistakes and I realize now please forgive me and give me another chance. Very sorry.
I’m so sorry and I want to make it up to you. Forgive me, baby. After all, apologizing is not a bad feeling. 🙂
Your main goal for this separation is to make me realize my mistakes. Now I understand and I’m so sorry baby. I was being stupid. Please come back now.
I lost the value of your smile and after this fight, I realize how much you mean to me. You are my only love and I want you to forgive me, please. I apologize for everything.
This forgiveness is not just for my mistakes. This forgiveness is also because I value this relationship more than my pride and the pride of men is something that is above everything else. Please forgive me. Sorry!
I still can’t imagine how stupid I am to be the reason for our separation, everything I ever wanted for us to be together. I’m sorry, darling, please forgive me.
I am an imperfect being, but this does not justify the mistakes I have made. I understand that even if you apologize, nothing will change.
However, I will keep my promise that I will change because I want to become a better person for you.
I never wanted to upset you because you are precious to me. Losing you will ruin my life. I apologize for making you feel otherwise. I love you forever.
I always cause a mess. It’s never your fault. I’m sorry for making you unhappy.
I can’t believe I hurt you. You are my only hope for my life. I promise you that I will do my best to make a better version of myself for you.
I’m sorry for making you sad and hurt you because of my crazy temper. I still can’t believe you chose me to be your name. I will try very hard to make myself better for you.
You helped me to be a better person. Honestly, I’m trying to be better for you. I’m sorry I hurt you. I humbly ask for your forgiveness.
I know you’re mad at me right now. I hate to see you cry. I have myself for realizing that I’ve hurt you. Please give us a chance to fix this. I fully commit to listen and be more understanding, so I don’t lose you.”
They say that in love there is always a fight. They fight because they care about their differences. And for that, I care about you. But being rude and hurting is never justifiable because I have hurt you. I never wanted to hurt you.”
I realize that I become self-centered and have not considered your happiness. I realize that I can never be happy with you. I realize that I can only be truly happy if I make you happy, my love. I apologize”.
I believe that love is patient; love is kind and keeps track of mistakes. I humbly kneel and beg your forgiveness.
I’m sorry for the bad deeds I did that let you down. You are the best boyfriend/girlfriend in the world, because you never stop being by my side despite my inequities. Please forgive me.
Honey, all I want is to be with you for the rest of my life. I am sorry, I love you.
I still don’t understand how I could have been so stupid and hurt you, you are everything to me. Very sorry.
If I could, I would go back in time and undo what I have done, but all I can do is apologize for what I’ve done, and do my best to be a better man. I’m so sorry.
I was wrong to hurt you. I hope you can give me another chance to make it up to you. I’m sorry and I love you.
I care for you more than anything. I’m deeply sorry for hurting you… I hope when you feel ready you can forgive me.
Whatever happens, remember that I am the guy, who will always be there for you in good and bad times. I love you. I’m so sorry… Please forgive me.
I promise you that from now our relationship will be free from tears, lies, and insults. I love you, let’s stay together as we have a beautiful relationship that’s worth keeping.
I know you’re angry now, but I want you to know that I didn’t mean to hurt you. I’m sorry for hurting you. I am ready to make amends.
Dear, though we have a pause in our relationship. I’m ready to start all over again, because our love burns as brightly as ever. What we have together is something special. Are you ready?
I love you, please forgive me. I made a huge mistake, and hurting you is the last thing I ever wanted. Forgive me for my failures and my imperfections. Please give me another chance to prove my love for you.
I want to see you so much! I want to hug you and look into your beautiful eyes! Forget all quarrels and offenses, and let us stay together forever!!!
A quarrel makes people think about their feelings. It makes them understand how hard life is without their beloved ones.
I feel so sad without you. I wish I never quarreled with you, my love. Forgive me for being so rude. Sorry for the pain I’ve caused to you.
If you can, forgive me. Before you leave and never return, think one more time. It is better to forgive everything and be happy than lose your happiness… Forgive me, my love, for writing to you, but I repeat again and again that I love you and miss you!
I will do anything you want. Come back to me as soon as you can! Come back, please! I’m begging!
We will lose our love and regret it… Forgive me for all the troubles I have caused… Frankly speaking, I kiss your photo every day before I go to bed.
I wish I could have a second chance. My bae, before you take offense, think one more time. It is better to smile and forgive than slam the door in front of happiness!!!
Let’s learn from our mistakes. Trust me, please; I will never make this mistake again!
My heart is heavy; I am silently looking out of the empty window now. Excuse me for the stupid words and actions, please do not be mad at me!
The heart does not want to believe that you are far away from me now. My pain cannot be measured. I hope you will forgive me!
I want to stand before you on my knees. I want to apologize. Today I realized that without your love and forgiveness, it makes no sense for me to go on living. After our quarrel, I hate myself again. Let’s meet and talk like grown-up people not to lose each other!
Our stupid pride can kill our great love. Only kindness and tenderness can reconcile us again. So let’s be kind and tender to each other. Honey, aren’t you tired of being offended? Let’s try again from the very beginning!

Sister Sorry Quotes
Honey, I’m sorry I treated you like this. Forgive me for causing you pain. Sorry, sorry, sorry; I want to live in peace with you!
I want to hug you so much, to forget about the abuse and grudges. I want you to apologize, poor fool. Let’s live without fights for many years!
I really want to see you! I want to hug you and look into your beautiful eyes! Forget all the fights and offenses, and let’s stay together forever!
A fight makes people think about their feelings. It makes them understand how hard life is without their loved ones.
I feel so sad without you. I wish I never had a fight with you, my love. Forgive me for being so rude. Sorry for the pain I’ve caused you.
If you can, forgive me. Before you leave and never come back, think about it one more time. It is better to forgive everything and be happy than to lose happiness… Forgive me, my love, for writing to you, but I repeat over and over again that I love you and miss you!
I will do what you want. Come back to me as soon as you can! Please return! I am begging you!
We will lose our love and regret… Forgive me for all the trouble I have caused… Frankly speaking, I kiss your picture every day before I go to bed. I wish I could have a second chance.
Honey, before you get offended, think about it one more time. It is better to smile and forgive than to slam the door on happiness!!!
Let’s learn from our mistakes. Trust me please; I will never make this mistake again!
My heart is heavy; I am silently looking out the empty window now. Excuse me for the stupid words and actions, please don’t be mad at me!
The heart does not want to believe that now you are far from me. My pain cannot be measured. I hope you forgive me!
I want to stand before you on my knees. I want to apologize. Today I realized that without your love and your forgiveness, it makes no sense for me to continue living.
After our fight, I hate myself again. Let’s meet and talk like adults so we don’t get lost!
I know I have not behaved as a friend should, and for that I am sorry.
I have caused you so much pain. But it was not with the intention of hurting you, for that, I am very sorry.
I can’t find the right words to say I’m so sorry, I was wrong. I hurt your feelings. Excuse me please
Hopefully we can pick up where we left off and continue living our lives together. I’m terribly sorry
My life is incomplete without you. I need you in my life. Sorry.
I never meant to hurt your feelings, so please forgive me. Very sorry.
I’m waiting for you to forgive me, I know I’ve done wrong and I want to make it up to you. Very sorry. Please forgive me.
I will wait for you until eternity if that is what it takes to earn your forgiveness.
I’m sorry, dear. I understand my mistake
Our relationship was supposed to be immune to earthly diseases called fighting, arguing, and lying. Now I have to take the countermeasure called forgiveness to save this beautiful relationship.
I’m sorry baby.
Your bitterness is something I cannot bear. Please forgive me for my mistakes and let us continue our sweet relationship again.
You are my strength, but you are angry with me. I feel very weak and exposed. Please accept my sincerest apologies and let’s get back together. We are not meant to be apart.
You are the best thing that ever happened to me and I was really stupid not realizing that until now. I know I’ve made a lot of mistakes, but give me another chance, baby. I will never let you leave me again. I really am very sorry.
They say that everything happens for the better. This little fight of ours made me realize what you’re worth to me. I don’t want to fight you anymore. I love you so much and I’m so sorry. Please forgive me.
Now I realize that I have always overshadowed your happiness with my own. I thought I understood you but I didn’t, until now. I’m so sorry my love, give me another chance.
I have great trust in God and I know that you will soon forgive me. Until then I am waiting.
I’m sorry about everything.
I am deeply sorry that I had that discussion with you. I never knew how possessive you are of me, but on the other hand, I realize that I feel the same way about you and I couldn’t have put up with it too. Very sorry. You are strong and I want you to give me another chance.
Sorry Message For Younger Sister
I want to be your pillow again for all the nights to come. I want to take care of you all night and all day. I miss you baby. I want to hug you again. I want to feel you again. Ican’t hold it any more. Please forgive me, darling. I deeply regret our fight. Give me another chance.
After you left me, it seems my life stopped. I’m stuck with you. My heart and my memories still live in the past. I love you so much. I’m really sorry about what happened.
Please forgive me.
After leaving you, my life has thrown all the difficulties at me, and I realize that you are my lucky charm, without you, I cannot face a single difficulty. I guess that was nature’s way of reminding me of my biggest mistake. I’m sorry, and I miss you so much. I hope you feel the same about me.
I am very sorry that I forgot this special day. It was the day we first dated and I want you to know that you are special to me. Please forgive me!
I know we’ve drifted apart, but you still live in my heart. I don’t know, I want to give our relationship another chance. I miss you so much and I’m really sorry about everything.
I know I’m the one who always starts an argument. I know I have made many mistakes and I realize now please forgive me and give me another chance. Very sorry.
I’m so sorry and I want to make it up to you. Forgive me, baby. After all, apologizing is not a bad feeling.
Your main goal for this separation is to make me realize my mistakes. Now I understand and I’m so sorry baby. I was being stupid. Please come back now.
I lost the value of your smile and after this fight, I realize how much you mean to me. You are my only love and I want you to forgive me, please. I apologize for everything.
This forgiveness is not just for my mistakes. This forgiveness is also because I value this relationship more than my pride and the pride of men is something that is above everything else.
I still can’t imagine how stupid I am to be the reason for our separation, everything I ever wanted for us to be together.
I’m sorry honey, please forgive me.
I know you have been stalking my facebook, insta, twitter and other social networks to see if I understood my mistake. Well, my social network is full of apologies, but you haven’t forgiven me. Please, I’m so sorry. Come to me.
On my way to redemption. I couldn’t think of anything but hurting you. I want to fix everything if you give me another chance. I miss you so much, and I know my mistakes now. I’m very sorry my love.
This fight made me realize how important you are to me.
Very sorry.
I took the first wrong step to damage this relationship, but I hope you take the right step and prevent it from breaking up. I love you and I’m so sorry for my stupidity.
I am still living in the beautiful memories of our time together and I enjoyed those moments. Now I realize that I have lost a treasure and I want to apologize for my mistakes. Please forgive me.
I really thought that I am very strong, but since you left me, I feel so weak and I realize that the source of my strength was your love. I miss you a lot. Very sorry. Please forgive me.
No one is perfect and I know I have more flaws than other people, but you are the only one I have given my heart to because I knew only you were meant to hold it.
Excuse me, my lady.
There is a difference between being stupid by nature and then being stupid by choice. The worst is the second and I’m the same. I deeply regret my behavior the other. Very sorry.
Please forgive me.
I’m really sorry about the other day, but I have to admit, you look really hot when you’re mad.
Please forgive me, darling. Sorry.
There was a snake in our relationship and that snake is called “LIES”.
I realize my mistakes. I ask your forgiveness
The difficult time has painfully passed, but your memories still make me want to cry.
I just want another chance to make it up to you. Please forgive me.
As a girlfriend, you have the right to be angry with me for my mistakes. But as a boyfriend, it’s my job to make amends and never stop trying until I earn forgiveness.
Honey, I sincerely apologize. Please forgive my childish behavior.
I’m reviewing our last conversation again. I’m looking at your photos. I’m even stalking you in your social circle. You know, these are my habits when I miss you, and I can’t do anything about it. Please forgive me for my mistakes. I just want to hold you in my arms right now.
Every man should have another chance. Because men are proud and stupid.
I realize my mistake and I apologize.
If you really feel it and you are not able to express your feelings like many: here are some original phrases of forgiveness for your girlfriend. These should reflect how you feel about her right now!
There are not enough words to explain what she would do if you would forgive me. I trust that one day you will find it in yourself to take me back!
It was never my intention to hurt you. Life played a trick on me and clouded my judgment. Let me make up for all those heartbroken nights. Please forgive me for hurting you!
As long as you can drink, please know I’ll wait for you to forgive me! Please accept my apologies and let me show you that I am a different man!
Hurting you was the most devastating thing I’ve ever done. I’m really sorry for everything I said, and not a day goes by that I don’t want you to give me another chance to prove myself worthy of your trust!
Not a minute goes by that I don’t think I hurt you. Apologies are never enough, so let me show you that I can right every mistake I’ve ever made! Sorry.
If you could ever find it in your heart to forgive me, I will spend the rest of my days making up for all the ways I broke your heart. I’m sorry, please give me another chance!
Actions speak louder than words, so let me first apologize and then ask for a second chance! Sorry for being an idiot, it will never happen again!

Sorry Sister For Hurting You Quotes
You are the one person that deserves all the best in the world, and the one person I hurt the most! I am sorry for not understanding the value of you, and please forgive me so I can try to be the best boyfriend one more time!
For a brief moment, I put my ambition before your happiness, thus making the biggest mistake of my life. I am sorry for all that I have done, and I hope you will be a bigger person than me and forgive me!
I thought you will always be by my side, so I let my foolishness get the best of me. With you gone, my life makes no sense at all. I am sorry from the bottom of my heart. If there was a way to make it all right again, let me know!
Our wonderful time together has been put on hold, because I allowed myself to take you for granted. I would never do so again, only if you were brave enough to forgive me.
My life makes no sense without you, and I cannot believe I took you for granted in the way I did. Until the rest of my days, I will be sorry, and I’d do anything you ask to have you not worry!
You left and it was all my fault. My days are long, my nights are endless and my dreams are torturing. Please forgive me, so I can start making everything alright once more!
I have known you for all of my life and had the nerve to take you for granted. Although dwelling on the past is pointless, I am still sorry for all I’ve said, and I wish you would be crazy enough to take me back one more time!
I am sorry for making you wait. I am sorry for everything I said. I am sorry for leaving you alone and being so selfish. Please think of me as someone who will be forever in the debt of your kind heart.
You are the only person who deserves all the best in the world, and the only person I hurt the most! Sorry for not understanding the value of you, and please forgive me so that I can try to be the best boyfriend once again!
For a brief moment, I put my ambition before your happiness, thus making the biggest mistake of my life. I’m sorry for everything I’ve done and I hope you’ll be a bigger person than me and forgive me!
I thought you’d always be by my side, so I let my stupidity get the best of me. Without you, my life has no meaning. I’m sorry from the bottom of my heart. If there is a way to get everything back to normal, please let me know!
Our wonderful time together has been put on hold, because I allowed myself to take you for granted. I would never do it again, only if you were brave enough to forgive me.
My life is meaningless without you, and I can’t believe I took you for granted the way I did. Until the rest of my days, I’ll be sorry and I’ll do anything you ask so you don’t worry!
You left and it was all my fault. My days are long, my nights are endless, and my dreams are torturous. Please forgive me so I can start making everything right once again!
I have known you all my life and had the nerve to take you for granted. Although dwelling on the past is pointless, I still regret everything I’ve said, and I wish you were crazy enough to accept me once again!
Sorry to keep you waiting. I’m sorry for everything I said. I’m sorry for leaving you alone and being so selfish. Think of me as someone forever indebted to your kind heart.
I am very sorry for my bad behavior.
Can I take back my words, please?
I had no idea it would hurt you.
I feel so ashamed.
Please forgive me
I apologize.
I’m sorry for my mistake, my pretty.
I hope you can accept my apology and get rid of my blame. Please, do not worry.
You are my mirror, shining back on me with a world of possibilities.
I’m really sorry, my sister, for hurting you.
I had no idea it would hurt you.
You are the most beautiful fairy that has happened to me in my entire life.
I am incomplete without you.
I’m so sorry, sister, I fight terribly with you. Please forgive me for that act. Please forgive me.
I’m so sorry dear
Can you give me just one chance, please?
I will be completely in this moment.
I’m sorry for all the time
when i bother you
Sorry I’m not perfect, but I’m definitely not a ‘fake’ sister.
I am sad and ashamed of my bad behavior. I’m frustrated and upset about other things, but I explode with you.
please forgive me yes
Dear sister, I am very sorry for my mistake. In the future, it will never happen again.
I am very sorry for inadvertently blaming,
I should have spoken deliberately.
Please forgive me.
I don’t really know how to improve things between us, but I’ll start with SORRY… 🙏🏻
For the last few days I feel so alone
Please come back to my shelter.
I’m sorry unfortunately.
Dear sister, I am guilty of what I have done,
but please believe me i will never do such a thing in life
without making your mistakes.
This world is worthless to me without you. Because you are my soul and happiness.
I can’t see you upset.
I know sorry is the small word
but believe me I will never do anything in the next few days.
Now I know that what I did was not very nice. I’m sorry and I hope you accept my apologies.
I feel ashamed of the way I acted. Please forgive me for my bad behavior.
You were absolutely right, that’s my fault. Please forgive me.
I’m really sorry I hurt you but now
I feel really bad and guilty about it.
Ikram Ullah is a seasoned content writer and editor hailing from Faisalabad, Pakistan, boasting a decade of rich experience in SEO and content writing. He is particularly distinguished in the realm of technology content writing, where he excels at demystifying complex technological concepts, making them accessible and engaging for a broad audience. Throughout his career, Ikram has made significant contributions to various websites, showcasing his commitment to technological advancements and his skill in creating informative and compelling content. His portfolio includes work for littlebyties.com, republicansunited.com, and invisiblelocs.net, each reflecting his dedication and expertise in the field.