How Seawater Desalination Can Save The World

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By Ikram Ullah

Since the introduction of desalination, the ocean has been looked at as a sea of opportunity in regard to freshwater production. Seawater desalination systems have made a significant impact in many regions around the world. Other than being a limitless water source, the ocean provides a valuable alternative source of water to relieve other overused water bodies such as rivers, lakes, and wells. Countries residing near the ocean and have seen the most benefits of desalination plants due to being able to construct them in close proximity to the sea.

As imports of clean water become impractical to many water-stressed countries, desalination systems are instead being imported and used as long-term freshwater production resources. Overall spending to deliver clean and safe water is reduced through the utilization of desalination rather than relying on imports of water year-round. Furthermore, natural disasters such as droughts have diminished the availability of water from existing sources, namely rivers. California found that out when droughts deeply compromised the Colorado River, from which the state had historically relied upon for water supplies. What resulted from this occurrence were water shortages in California, which led to the development of several desalination plants near the Pacific Ocean to counteract this issue.

Developing nations in hot climate regions are especially prone to droughts and unfriendly terrain that result in water shortages. Gulf countries in the Middle East have looked to desalination more so than any other region to alleviate environmental issues that affect their water supply. For instance, Saudi Arabia has become the largest producer of desalinated water in the world with over 30 desalination plants currently operating. Pure Aqua has partaken in their efforts by delivering custom-made desalination plants in Saudi Arabia.

Desalination Systems: Seawater Reverse Osmosis Process

Desalination works by utilizing the process of seawater reverse osmosis (SWRO) which has been commercially used since the 1970s. Reverse osmosis is a water treatment process protects people from diseases related to the harmful contaminants found in untreated water from the ocean, rivers, lakes, wells, etc. this is done through the usage of pressure pumps that force the feed water through semi-permeable membranes which filter out the concentrated solutions. As the product water passes through these membranes, the unwanted impurities are left behind and discharged, while the newly produced clean, fresh water is saved.

Desalination systems are determined to be used in different sizes depending on the type of water being treated. Seawater requires high pressure pumps to be used from the desalination systems due to the higher concentrations of salt and minerals as compared to any other water source. Feedwater that contains total dissolved solids (TDS) greater than 10,000 ppm indicates that the concentrated solution is too high to treat through anything less than high-pressure pumps used by RO desalination systems. Pretreatment via antiscalant chemicals, pH adjustments to adjust acid levels/alkalinity, and post-treatment disinfection process to completely rid of bacterial growth are some of the other components included within the reverse osmosis process.

Learn more about seawater reverse osmosis treatment by checking out our advantages of desalination of seawater page. Pure Aqua manufactures pre-engineered and customized industrial reverse osmosis desalination systems including:

Water Treatment Systems

Water Treatment Equipment

Ultrafiltration Systems

Nanofiltration Systems

What is reverse osmosis

All our desalination systems and other water treatment equipment are engineered and manufactured in the USA.

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