How To Retain Viewers On Your Videos For The Longest Time?

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By Ikram Ullah

Are you a channel owner of YouTube, and aspiring how to retain the attention of the viewers on your videos for the longest span? As there is the easy youtube movie maker software, creating a YouTube video is not that a stiff task. However, it is indeed a stiff task to ensure solid engagement with the viewers. You need to make certain adjustments with the themes as well as with aspects of developing the video that will enable you to accomplish this mission. Adhering to these guidelines, you can certainly drive more traffic to your videos and retain the viewers to watch your videos for the longest time.

YouTube watch time- what it is and why it is an important point to consider?

Before October 2012, YouTube had the system to consider the number of views to determine the ranking. But, with subsequent updates of the algorithm, eventually, they started considering the Watch time to determine the ranking. As such, YouTube watch time is one significant topic that you must be fully aware of if you own a channel on this network.

Audience Retention time or Watch Time happens to be the total time spent by the viewers, watching a video. Videos that record-high watch time automatically get better ranking in the search results.

If your videos are consistently getting high rankings, YouTube will likely start promoting your channel by recommending your videos as well as through the search results. That eventually starts dragging more traffic to your videos, producing more views and higher watch time.

From the discussion made above, it comes out that you inevitably need to retain the attention of the viewers on your videos till the end. As you can avail of top-rated YouTube video editor, accomplishing this purpose is not that stiff task. However, you need a comprehensive strategy for boosting the average watch time on your videos.

Tricks and tips to boost the watch time for your YouTube Videos

  1. You need to structure the playlist so that you can a liner view experience to the viewers 

There is no shortage in videos on YouTube. Viewers can retrieve endless options, performing a simple search for the kinds of videos that he/she loves the most. As such, why should he/she watch your videos until the end? If things have to move in that direction, there is no other alternative than to offer the most fascinating viewing experience to the viewers. In that regard, it certainly makes sense to offer your viewers a Liner viewing experience that will certainly retain them on your videos for a longer time.

Once you start organizing your videos in some interesting serial, viewers will likely be enticed to watch your videos for a longer span. This way, you boost their engagement with your videos that will escalate the time they are retained on your videos. Eventually, improvement in this regard will certainly fetch you better rankings on the network. If you are wondering how to accomplish this purpose, you can certainly refer to the InVideo resources.

As for optimizing the playlist, you need to make use of the Start as well as the End Time Functions that will enumerate entry and exit points for all of your videos on YouTube, offering your viewers a much impressive viewing experience.

YouTube permits you to establish links to the related resources at the end of all the videos. To enhance the retention time, you may think about linking with any themed playlist. Once a viewer clicks on such a playlist, they will be instantly directed to the associated playlist.

  1. You must pick the titles and thumbnails that are relevant to your content

It is a fact that Thumbnails and titles are crucial resources for

getting higher rankings and more views on your videos. Most importantly, these resources act as a preface to the content to follow. As such, you don’t have options than to use the most relevant titles and thumbnails to your videos. This way, Titles, and Thumbnails give a first impression about your videos, and as such, these are crucial resources to get better engagement with your viewers. This is how you can develop Clickable thumbnails:

  • Use such images that are appealing and engaging.
  • You should ideally use the thumbnails as well as the titles for narrating a story most intriguingly.
  • It is important that the thumbnails function properly on mobiles and desktops alike.
  • Keep checking the retention reports from time to time to evaluate the performance of the thumbnails.

Use the descriptions, titles, as well as thumbnails in a manner that convinces viewers to view the videos for the maximum time.

  1. Try to use cards across the entire length of the Videos

The best way of using the cards is to link the cards with other resources on your channels that are likely to trigger the interest of the viewers to view your videos. This is a simple trick that will surely produce the most delightful outcomes if used appropriately.

  1. Contents should be created focused on Longtail Keywords 

Targeting the Long Tail Keywords, you are certainly taking a wise step to boost the engagement of the viewers with your videos. Rather, you should always focus on developing content, based on these anchor texts so that you can gain an edge over your competitors.

To find the best keywords for your videos, you can certainly use YouTube Suggestions. You simply need to input any word that you might feel that your audience will love, and then, you need to analyze the suggested searches to get an idea about the most relevant keywords for your videos. It will be wise to use these suggestions as to the topics of your videos.

The simple tricks and tips suggested above come effective in boosting the engagement of the viewers with your videos, producing the highest watch time.

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